
(enter your contact details below)



(enter your client's contact details below)


Trust Name

Trustee Details

How many trustees are there?

Trustee 1

Is the trustee a company?*
How many Directors does Trustee 1 have?*
Chair of meeting of Trustees / Directors
A company will execute documents in one of the following ways in accordance with its constitution:
A company will execute documents in one of the following ways in accordance with its constitution:
  with seal without seal
Director and second director or secretary
Sole director and sole secretary
Sole director and no secretary

Trustee 2

Is the trustee a company?
How many Directors does Trustee 2 have?
A company will execute documents in one of the following ways in accordance with its constitution:
A company will execute documents in one of the following ways in accordance with its constitution:
  with seal without seal
Director and second director or secretary
Sole director and sole secretary
Sole director and no secretary

Trustee 3

Is the trustee a company?
How many Directors does Trustee 3 have?
A company will execute documents in one of the following ways in accordance with its constitution:
A company will execute documents in one of the following ways in accordance with its constitution:
  with seal without seal
Director and second director or secretary
Sole director and sole secretary
Sole director and no secretary

Trustee 4

Is the trustee a company?
How many Directors does Trustee 4 have?
A company will execute documents in one of the following ways in accordance with its constitution:
A company will execute documents in one of the following ways in accordance with its constitution:
  with seal without seal
Director and second director or secretary
Sole director and sole secretary
Sole director and no secretary

Subscriber (Unit Holder) Details

Select number of subscribers*

Subscriber 1

Is subscriber 1 a company?
Residential Address*
Registered Address*
(if subscriber is trustee of a trust)
List the full names of all directors, followed by a comma. The first named director will act as Chair.
A company will execute documents in one of the following ways in accordance with its constitution:
A company will execute documents in one of the following ways in accordance with its constitution:
  with seal without seal
Director and second director or secretary
Sole director and sole secretary
Sole director and no secretary

Subscriber 2

Is subscriber 2 a company?
Residential Address*
Registered Address*
(if subscriber is trustee of a trust)
A company will execute documents in one of the following ways in accordance with its constitution:
A company will execute documents in one of the following ways in accordance with its constitution:
  with seal without seal
Director and second director or secretary
Sole director and sole secretary
Sole director and no secretary

Subscriber 3

Is subscriber 3 a company?
Residential Address*
Registered Address*
(if subscriber is trustee of a trust)
A company will execute documents in one of the following ways in accordance with its constitution:
A company will execute documents in one of the following ways in accordance with its constitution:
  with seal without seal
Director and second director or secretary
Sole director and sole secretary
Sole director and no secretary

Beneficiary Class Details

Select number of Beneficiaries Classes

Beneficiary Class 1

Select number of Class 1 Beneficiaries

Beneficiary Class 2

Select number of Class 2 Beneficiaries

Beneficiary Class 3

Select number of Class 3 Beneficiaries

Special Instructions

Payment Details

Is Harwood Andrews Stamping the Trust Deed?*
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